Villatte, A., Piché G., Habib R., Gariepy J. (2023). Evaluation of a mental-health literacy and self-care website intended for young people who have a parent with a mental illness. Advances in Mental Health.
This article presents the results of the formative evaluation of a mental health literacy and self-care website intended by and for young people of a parent with a mental illness (YP). Multiple dimensions of the user experience (e.g., satisfaction with the usability of the site; emotions and learning during navigation), as well as the readability of content were measured. In 2021, an online questionnaire was completed by 24 YP aged 14–25 years. Usability testing and the Flesch-Kincaid readability index were used to evaluate the website. Participants rated highly the various evaluated dimensions of the user experience and stated that due to the website, they learned several things that correspond to resilience factors frequently reported in the literature (e.g., better understanding of mental disorders and available resources). The Flesch-Kincaid index indicated readability appropriate for 14-year-olds. The website appears to be a promising tool for supporting resilience in YP. Participants’ suggestions for improvement will be used to develop an optimised version of the website, whose effectiveness can be tested in a randomised control study.